The Tahoma Activist

"Changing the Media, One Story at a Time"

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Urgent Action Alert! Call your Senators and tell them to oppose Fascism Enabling Act

Washington Post reporter R. Jeffrey Smith brings us this horrifying story: "White House Proposal Would Expand Authority of Military Courts"
Everyone who's ever taken part in a political activity (or even been a member of a labor union) should be outraged by this. If this thing goes through, you can kiss democracy and the Bill of Rights goodbye. Fascism will be legal in America, and freedom will never be the same.

Everyone should call their Senators and members of Congress immediately, and demand that they oppose this legislation, and that they make their opposition known loudly and publicly.

The direct line to the Capitol Switchboard is: 1-888-355-3588 (if you don't know who they are, give the operator your state and zipcode)

It's also always a good idea to call their home offices. Both our Senators and our members of Congress are either already here in Washington State or on their way. Call and fax their local offices, and send them postal mail there as well (Don't bother sending letters to D.C. - Anthrax scare makes letters take days or even weeks to arrive).

Senator Murray's contact info

Senator Cantwell's contact info

Congressman Norm Dicks contact info

Categories: National Security State, Politics - National, Politics - Local

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At 1:37 PM, Blogger crallspace said...

I read thru the article and have FWed to my anti-war list-serve...

However, I read the article, and I didn't infer that this affects people like us. Moreso, innocent detainees at Gitmo and Muslims here. But, like every other Bush power plan, I oppose it and have faith that, like Bush's presidency, it will fail.

At 7:00 AM, Blogger Tahoma Activist said...

It may not seem like it, Crall, but just wait until the Secretary has this kind of power. Can you imagine if he decided to use it against his political opponents?

Ever hear of Mumia Abu-Jamal? He was railroaded through the system, but they did it (almost) legally. If this law passes, they won't have to respect the Bill of Rights for any of their enemies.


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