The Tahoma Activist

"Changing the Media, One Story at a Time"

This website is your Pierce County source for progressive news and opinion. If you want to be a part of The Tahoma Activist, send all submissions here. We will print anything that makes sense and touches on the important issues of the day.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Thom Hartmann's new book is amazing!

I urge every progressive and liberal-minded person in America to read Thom Hartmann's new book, Screwed - The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class. It is the most concise and well-written explanation of the problems facing us today, and what we can do to turn the tables on the "cons" that are making it all worse.

Do yourself a favor. Buy this book, and then go out and make this November an election to remember. Together, we can change the world, for the good of all mankind. Let's do it!

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