The Tahoma Activist

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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Reader Tom with some ideas for fixing the mess left by the 109th

This comes to us courtesy of Tom Chambless of Tacoma:

"Along with everything else that the 110th Congress has on its plate there is some old business from the 109th Congress to reconsider now that real humans are in charge. All this legislation was voted down by the GOP majority:

* S. Amdt 214 to S. Con. Res. 18, the Snowe Amendment to the Medicare Program to allow negotiated drug prices.

* S. Amdt 210 to S. Con. Res. 18, the Dorgan Amendment to repeal the tax subsidy for certain domestic companies which move manufacturing operations and American jobs offshore.

* S. Amdt 186 to S. Con. Res. 18, The Feingold Amendment to fully reinstate the pay-as-you-go requirement.

* S. Amdt 147 to S. Con. Res. 18, The Stabenow Amendment to protect the American people from terrorist attacks by providing the necessary resources to our firefighters, police, EMS workers and other first-responders by restoring $1,626 billion in cuts to first-responder programs.

* All those amendments to the overbearing S.256, Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. These amendments were introduced by Senators wanting to give citizens back their rights, but voted down by the GOP.

* S. Amdt 826 to H.R. 6, The McCain Amendment to the Energy Policy Act of 2005, to provide for a program to accelerate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States.

* S. Amdt 844 to H.R. 6, The Kerry Amendment to express the sense of the Senate regarding the need for the United States to address global climate change through comprehensive and cost-effective national measures and through the negotiation of fair and binding international commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

* S. Amdt 902 to H.R. 6, The Durbin Amendment to amend title 49, United States Code, to improve the system for enhancing automobile fuel efficiency, and for other purposes.

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